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- 10 poke53280,2:poke53281,15
- 20 print"[147][144] press 1[146] for graphics labels"
- 30 print" press 2[146] for enhanced printing labels"
- 40 getp$:p=val(p$):ifp<1orp>2then40
- 50 print"[147]":gosub630:x$=" "
- 60 print"";:fori=8to12:printx$;:next:print"[146][144]"
- 70 ifp=2thenprint" [146]"
- 80 print" [146][144]":gosub680:printcp$" (1) design a special label"
- 90 print" (2) load a label from disk":print" (3) change the label above
- 100 [153]" (4) save the label above to disk"
- 110 [153]" (5) print the label above":[153]" enter your choicewait
- 120 getm$:m=val(m$):ifm<1orm>5then120
- 130 onmgoto550,460,550,370
- 140 rem * print routine *
- 150 gosub680:printcp$"position the label in the printer so"
- 160 print"that the top of the label is at the top"
- 170 print"of the printhead and press return."
- 180 getx$:ifx$<>chr$(13)then180
- 190 open3,3:open4,4:open6,4,6:print#6,chr$(12):y=4
- 200 ifp=1thenx=1026:fori=0to7:forj=3to38
- 210 ifp=2thenx=1035:fori=0to7:pi$=chr$(14):forj=12to29
- 220 si=peek(x):ifsi<128andy=3theny=2
- 230 ifsi>127andy=4theny=1
- 240 ifsi>127thensi=si-128
- 250 ifsi=127thensi=191:goto250
- 260 ifsi>95thensi=si+32
- 270 ifsi>63thensi=si+32
- 280 ifsi<32thensi=si+64
- 290 si$=chr$(si):ify=1thensi$=chr$(18)+si$:y=3
- 300 ify=2thensi$=chr$(146)+si$:y=4
- 310 pi$=pi$+si$:x=x+1:next
- 320 print#4,chr$(15)pi$chr$(8):pi$="":if p=1 then x=x+4
- 330 ifp=2thenx=x+22
- 340 y=4:next:print#4,chr$(10)
- 350 close3:close4:close6:open10,4,10:print#10:close10:goto70
- 360 rem * save routine *
- 370 gosub680:printcp$:input"save file name";nf$
- 380 ifnf$=""then70
- 390 open3,3:open8,8,8,"0:"+nf$+",s,w"
- 400 ifp=1thenx=1026:fori=0to7:forj=3to38
- 410 ifp=2thenx=1035:fori=0to7:forj=12to29
- 420 y=peek(x):print#8,y:x=x+1:next:ifp=1thenx=x+4
- 430 ifp=2thenx=x+22
- 440 next:close3:close8:goto70
- 450 rem * load routine *
- 460 gosub680:printcp$:input"load file name";nf$
- 470 ifnf$=""then70
- 480 open3,3:open8,8,8,"0:"+nf$+",s,r"
- 490 ifp=1thenx=1026:fori=0to7:forj=3to38
- 500 ifp=2thenx=1035:fori=0to7:forj=12to29
- 510 input#8,y$:y=val(y$):pokex,y:x=x+1:next:ifp=1thenx=x+4
- 520 ifp=2thenx=x+22
- 530 next:close3:close8:goto70
- 540 rem * design a label *
- 550 gosub680:printcp$"center your label in the block above."
- 560 print"remember to leave spaces between lines."
- 570 print"press return[146] when done."
- 580 ifm=3goto600
- 590 gosub630
- 600 ifp=1theninput"";l$:goto70
- 610 ifp=2theninput"";l$:goto70
- 620 rem * subroutine for top lines *
- 630 ifp=1thenx$=" [146][144] [146][144]"
- 640 ifp=2thenx$=" [146][144] [146][144]"
- 650 print"";:fori=0to7:printx$;:next:print""
- 660 return
- 670 rem * subroutine for bottom lines *
- 680 cp$="":x$=" "
- 690 printcp$;:fori=13to23:printx$;:next
- 700 print" ":return